

Ten Minutes to the Pitch


A Great idea can\'t pitch itself...
this book shows you how!

Ten Minutes to the Pitch
Your last-minute guide and checklist for selling your story

“A smart and insightful dissection of the process that should prove as valuable to jaded veterans as to newcomers.”

-Barry Kemp
President, WGA Foundation;
Creator, Coach and Newhart;
Executive Producer, Catch Me If You Can

“A must-read that can transform the ordeal of pitching into an enjoyable experience.”

-Fred Silverman
Past Vice President, Programs CBS-TV;
Past President, ABC Entertainment;
Past President and CEO, NBC

Ten Minutes to the Audition


Every Actor\'s Audition Companion!

Ten Minutes to the Audition
Your last minute guide and checklist for getting the part

Q. What happened to the hundreds of actors who took this book’s advice?

A. They’re working!

Actor/Director Janice Lynde has adapted her unique approach to auditions by introducing her invaluable Actor’s Checklist (20 pre-audition Do’s and Don’ts).
This exceptional book also includes:

  • The Chapters: The “How and Why” behind the Checklist
  • The Night (and Days) Before: The “Prep Work” that leaves you worry-free and ready
  • The Four Knows: The “Resource and Reference Guide” every actor needs

Ten Minutes to the Speech


A Fate Worse Than Death...

Ten Minutes to the Speech
Your last-minute guide and checklist for speaking in public

Giving a Speech? Are you terrified or cool as a cucumber?

Never fear public speaking again… and better yet, be great! Giving a speech has been called a fate worse than death, but with the hands-on help of the tools and tips in this invaluable guide, the process becomes painless! As the latest addition to Tallfellow’s popular 10 Minutes 2 Success series, this book will calm the jitters and show any speaker how to impress, inform, persuade and entertain an audience.

Ten Minutes to the Job Interview


Looking for a job?

This is the book that will help you get it and keep it!

Ten Minutes to the Job Interview
Your last-minute guide and checklist for securing a position, a promotion, a paycheck

The newest addition to the revolutionary 10 MINUTES TO SUCCESS series, this easy to read, extremely informative step-by-step guide prepares you mentally and physically to present your best self to a potential employer!

Designs to Color


In the 1960s, Price Stern Sloan published what was probably the first coloring book for adults as well as kids. Designs to Color was created by Betty Schaffner who believed that people of all ages had an innate imagination and artistic talent that conventional coloring books failed to spark and nurture. Her varied line drawings, sometimes abstract and sometimes recognizable - flowers, faces, animals - will lead any "color-er" into winding paths and jungles of form and into their own worlds of imagination.

City Hall: The Heart of Los Angeles


The heart of Los Angeles!

City Hall

The beautiful drawings and fascinating story in City Hall provide an adventure in art and history that takes parents and children on a colorful tour of Los Angeles’ famous landmark.

A Martian Wouldn't Say That!!



Stay Tuned for Updated Edition Coming Soon!

A wildly funny exposé of actual memos and numbing notes from network executives

A hilarious exposé of the absurdities inflicted upon television\'s creative community by network executives and the watchdogs at Broadcast Standards and Practices.

To wit:

"Will War and Peace be based on the book?"

"I think you\'re making a mistake having so many French involved in the production of Les Miserables."

From the V.P. of current programming regarding the Fred Astaire Special: "Too much dancing."

Whether it\'s a mishmash of M*A*S*H or a harangue over Hamlet, each absurd comment makes one thing perfectly clear - never put anything in writing!