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Looking for a job?
This is the book that will help you get it and keep it!
Ten Minutes to the Job Interview
Your last-minute guide and checklist for securing a position, a promotion, a paycheck
The newest addition to the revolutionary 10 MINUTES TO SUCCESS series, this easy to read, extremely informative step-by-step guide prepares you mentally and physically to present your best self to a potential employer!
While other “job interview books” focus on questions and pat answers to them, Tem Minutes to the Job Interview offers jobseekers everything they need to deal with a high stress situation – an interview. No tricks or useless generic advice, here is the interview book that guides you to project your best image.
Ideal for both the young job seeker getting the first taste of the real employment world and the seasoned employee caught in the after-effect of downsizing and layoffs, this is the book that will convince a potential employer that YOU are the person they want to hire!
Rachel has over 35 years of Personnel/Human Resource experience. Her responsibilities have included executive and rank and file recruiting, counseling, employee benefits, workers' compensation, writing and conducting employee training programs, and a variety of other administrative duties. She attended Pima Community College, the University of Arizona, and before retirement was a certified handwriting analyst. Although formally retired from full-time work in the private sector, Rachel currently consults for a number of Arizona companies. Rachel and her husband reside in Tucson, Arizona.
The Experts Know What Works
“Ten Minutes to the Job Interview is a great, thoughtful and compressive book that guides the job seeker as they navigate through the interview process. A must have resource for all who want to interview the correct way!”
-Bill Ruggirello
Assistant Director, Career Services
The University of Arizona
“As the director of a college learning center, I find myself interviewing applicants for tutoring positions on a frequent and regular basis. Sadly, the majorty of these applicants have no conception about how to present themselves effectively during an interview. Ten Minutes to the Job Interview should be prescribed reading for all college studnets before they enter the competitive job market. While enthusiasm, idealism, and strong college credentials are important, a job applicant cannot shine during the hiring process without being well-prepared to sell themselves during the interview.”
-Penny Turrentine, Ph. D
Director, West Campus Learning Center, Pima Community College
Tuscon, Arizona
“It might sound cliché, but we truly only have one chance to make a good first impression. Nowhere is that more important than in a job interview. Being fully prepared and confident will make a difference. Ten Minutes to the Job Interview is a must read, especially for those early in their careers or who have limited interviewing experience.”
-Scott A. Brockman, A.A.E.
Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Finance and Administration?
Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority
Memphis, Tn
“Ten Minutes to the Job Interview is right on target! An interview is not an opportunity to experiment with the latest in fashion fad.”
-Heather Renschler, President/CEO
Executive Search Consultant, Ralph Andersen & Associates
Rocklin, CA
“Ten Minutes to the Job Interview is a useful resource for learning how to make your first impression count and for the successful, favorable outcome of your interview!”
-Robert J. Burg, Executive Vice President
Executive Search Consultant, Ralph Andersen & Associates
Rocklin, CA
“Ten Minutes to the Job Interview is an invaluable resource for every person preparing for an interview, a guide from an expert who has seen it all – a must read!”
-Bonnie Allin
Tuscon Airport Authority